Fire Hazard Severity Zone
Much of San Miguel Fire District falls into a "fire hazard severity zone" due to our bordering an extensive urban/wildland interface. For new construction, or for home improvements like upgrading windows, you may be subject to special requirements if your property falls within a high fire hazard severity zone.
Please click here to determine whether or not you are located within a fire hazard severity zone.
New buildings located in fire hazard severity zones must comply with the CBC, Chapter 7A and CRSC, Chapter 12-7A building codes.
For example, exterior windows shall comply with one of the following:
- Be dual pane, with a minimum of one tempered pane meeting applicable requirements.
- Be constructed of glass block.
- Have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 20 minutes.
- Be otherwise conforming to the requirements of SFM Standard 12-7A-2.